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 Barren Cross Shirt for Sale

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Billion Dollar Baby07

Billion Dollar Baby07

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2007-10-10

Barren Cross Shirt for Sale Empty
PostSubject: Barren Cross Shirt for Sale   Barren Cross Shirt for Sale Icon_minitimeWed Oct 10, 2007 7:16 pm


I was not sure where to post this; so if I am posting in the wrong place,
I apologize...

I have a Barren Cross 'State of Control" tour t-shirt I want to sell...

It is large shirt {42-44} according to the tag. It is worn with no holes or
tears... The front design is a group pic with Barren {Red letters} Cross
{Silver letters} over the group and "State of Control" in small letters across the bottom...On the back design, song titles form a square around
a world with BC on in it....Looks like side of head caricatures of each member in the corner...

If you are interested, email me at I will
send you an a pic of the front and back of shirt when I get my kid's
digtal camera..

I am going to wait about 5-7 days to see what offers come in, then I
will consider whether or not, I will take the best offer...Rest assure I am
reasonable and not out to gouge anybody, but I would like a fair price
for this rare collectable shirt from the Legends - Barren Cross.


PS - I will be a regular poster....I use post and chat regularly in the early days...
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