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 i shouldnt do this but...

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2 posters


Female Number of posts : 53
Age : 50
Location : Canada
Age : old
Registration date : 2007-09-04

i shouldnt  do this  but... Empty
PostSubject: i shouldnt do this but...   i shouldnt  do this  but... Icon_minitimeThu Oct 04, 2007 4:56 pm

Embarassed The Lord would likely bring this back on me if i didnt,but Don the guy im with for now needs Prayer, he got results back from DR and they wasnt very good ones, he has a spot on a lung and it requires surgery to get rid of it, chances are he maybe wont make it.
right now he is in a state of depression, i know thats what he is thinking of.
He has said if he ends up with cancer he will commit suicide... not a good thing to think of.Rolling Eyes
i shouldnt  do this  but... Biblerosescandles
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Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2007-05-24

i shouldnt  do this  but... Empty
PostSubject: Re: i shouldnt do this but...   i shouldnt  do this  but... Icon_minitimeThu Oct 04, 2007 5:23 pm

Sorry to hear of this Joanne. I will keep Donnie in prayer. Just try and encourage him all you can. I will talk with you soon.

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i shouldnt do this but...
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