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 Support my friend Dean

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Male Number of posts : 340
Age : 63
Location : Omaha
Registration date : 2007-05-21

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PostSubject: Support my friend Dean   Support my friend Dean Icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2007 12:50 am

I got an email from Dean the other day asking me to check his bio on myspace. I know Dean from my time in Nashville. He use to come to Sanctuary when we were still doing church there. We shared some good times but lost touch over the years. I sensed he was struggling but really didnt know what was going on. Please continue to pray for him and encourage him and his music if you have the desire. Here is his bio and myspace info:

Well, here goes. I have been promising new material for a while and I love that you have stuck with me, the truth is, I have been battling myself for sometime now. I have recently changed some things in my life that I didnt think I could overcome. For those of you that know me, have known me, or known about me, you know that I have always loved the "feelgood" stuff. I have had a love affair with cocaine for many many years. That love affair was more intense than anything I have ever known. I started cheating on coke with crack, heroin, and anything else I could get my hands on. I fell off the planet when I was introduced to the crack pipe. I hit bottom, and my misery was extremely overwhelming. I have tried to get clean in the past but never really wanted to. However, with the support of my family and the ONLY true friends I have, I checked myself into a rehab center and completed my program with the help of some incredible individuals. The hardest thing I have learned in life thus far is to be honest with myself, once I could do that, I was able to face my addictions head on. The dope took me to places I never thought I would go. My one true saving grace is my Saviour...Jesus Christ. As many of you know, I come from a spiritual background and have always been a believer, just havent always acted like it. I was able to throw myself at the feet of Christ and be washed clean. I feel wonderful. My battle with the dope and all things included has allowed GOD to work through me, in all those hard times to come out on the other side, to maybe show those of you that are trouble with the same afflictions, THERE IS HOPE!!!! I never thought I could be clean, and I AM!!!!! GOD has, is and will continue to work through me, through song, to change lives. The new cd is written and demo'd. I am posting Live bootleg versions os new songs until the album is completed. I really have no idea what direction I am heading into, but know if I continue to GODS will, not mine, all things will work together for good. My playing is more intense, the songs have so much substance, and the reaction from the people is explosive. I look forward to being a light in this world instead of a deadbeat. I hope and pray all of you will continue to send your support, be patient, and keep my music and ministry lifted up, so I can use my testimony to help a generation, that is lost. Follow your heart people, and you can never go wrong, especially when your heart belongs to JESUS. ROCK HARD and STAY GOLD!!!!!
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Female Number of posts : 24
Age : 55
Location : Texas
Age : 38
Registration date : 2007-09-30

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PostSubject: Re: Support my friend Dean   Support my friend Dean Icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2007 2:28 am

I just sent him a friend request.
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