I've been a bit of a lurker lately, I must admit.
Honestly I've been busy, and sick. Tommy and I were working at WalMart for a few weeks (hated it!) and while I was there I:
a) Got a really bad cold/flu thing
b) Ended up going to the E.R. for the same old/same old
but didn't need a transfusion this time thankfully
c) Walked out on them when they fired my son
for wearing the wrong pants ONE day!
It took us 2 days to find a better paying job with better hours!
Yay God
So I've just been doing ministry, and working, and involved with
people from our ministry.
I do miss all you guys however.
I just haven't had time to be online much.
Also our internet and phone got shut off for a while during the
WalMart era due to those nincompoops CUTTING OUR HOURS!!!!
Which is another reason I walked. They went from 40, to 25, to 20,
to 16. Not even worth the gas.
Tomorrow I start a "seasonal" job at Toys R Us Warehouse, and
the kiddo starts there next Monday. Yay, go us!
If I can put up with 10 hour days on my feet, we'll be rollin' in dough,
also as long as the temp agency doesn't do anything stupid like end
the assignment for no reason or something.
Also my body will have to cooperate, which it hasn't been doing.
Church was awesome today, and bible study was awesome last night.
We had a guy at our bible study get saved a couple weeks ago.
And now we have one coming out who is curious about it all and
needed friends.
I'm actually gonna see if he'll come on here and get to know you
guys. He is now a Tourniquet/Deliverance/Bloodgood/Jacobs Dream fan
thanks to my jump drive I loaded up the other day! Now I can blast
all the kids and young adults we pick up with christian metal while
we ride in the van. It's funny I have this ghetto van we pick them up
in, but it has an awesome stereo! Hey, I got a deal at WalMart, LOL.
But yeah we pretty much hate Walmart now and I think I'm shopping
at Meijer or Sav-A-Lot/Aldi from now on. They are that evil.
Looks like if all goes well, we'll be Santa's helpers this season.