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 I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday. :-/

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2 posters


Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday.  :-/ Empty
PostSubject: I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday. :-/   I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday.  :-/ Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2007 2:33 pm

Yeah, I spent almost the whole day at the hospital yesterday.

You're probably reading this with the same look on your face that
John and Tommy had when I came home from work and told them
that, LOL. You know, the "Oh, no!" face. Shocked

They have a department called The Hospital at work where they fix
orders that have something wrong with them. They ran out of work
and sent me to help them out. Ha ha got ya! I got to work at a
hospital and didn't even have to have a college degree.

LOL I had been mentioning my foot pain and diabetes to the big boss guy
just because he had been asking me why I was limping (it's a LOT of
walking and I'm fat), and he was passing me on my way there. I thought
I'd get him, too. He said, "So where are you headed?" and real serious,
I said, "Oh, didn't you hear? They're sending me to the hospital. It's
gotten that bad". He frowned and tilted his head and said, "Oh, no!"

Then I clarified which hospital I was going to and he got a kick out of it.

You would think a general manager would have heard that joke before...?

The place I'm working at is one million square feet. It's a half mile to walk
just from your car to the time clock, no lie. It's Toys R Us warehouse so
you know we're about to get SLAMMED. Seriously I do have blisters all
over the bottom of my feet which is bad, bad news for a diabetic, so I
do need your prayers for that.

Also, Tommy is starting there Monday and that boy has never worked on
his feet for eight hours, much less ten! So he'll need your prayers, too.

They're potentially interested in keeping me on in a department called
W.A.V.E., (don't they have weird dept names?), but it's first shift only,
which is opposing to John's second shift. John could maybe go to first,
though, who knows. It would certainly be a lifestyle shift to go from
going to bed at four in the morning to getting up at four in the morning.

So pray, pray, pray and pray that I don't have to go to the Hospital
again - too much walking! LOL j/k


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Female Number of posts : 585
Age : 68
Location : Charlotte, NC
Registration date : 2007-05-24

I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday.  :-/ Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday. :-/   I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday.  :-/ Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2007 9:50 pm

You got it, girl! Sounds like a great place to work for the holidays... plus lots of exercise! Very Happy
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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday.  :-/ Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday. :-/   I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday.  :-/ Icon_minitimeSat Nov 10, 2007 3:21 pm

Well, we have been praying for favor at my job, and I am now the offical 2nd shift Tower Clerk for Tower One. What that means is,

a) Much less walking.

b) I get to sit down for at least 3 hours of the day.

c) I am special.

What I get to do is, every day at four and ten o'clock, I go to the printer on Level A and sort out what they call collates, which are basically Manifests that print out on sticker stock. Then once they're sorted by date and shipper, I go to the end of the line and "induct".

Induction is basically giving everybody there, their work. I take a big plastic bin, scan the bar code on it, scan the bar code on the collate, put the collate in the bin and shove it onto the line. I do that over and over for the entire stack.

Then, I climb upstairs and do it for Level B on the second floor and Level C on the third floor.

Once that's done, I go pick like everybody else, which is walkies, walkies, and more walkies. *wagwagwagwag!*

But yeah for part of the day I get to sit at a desk on top of the by funky twisty turny conveyors, and do my own thing without anybody bothering me.

And yesterday I found out that Tower One is full of Christians including another youth leader!


One of them says he's coming to our church Sunday.
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I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday.  :-/ Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday. :-/   I Had to Go to the Hospital Yesterday.  :-/ Icon_minitime

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