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 Trinity....sometimes can be a bad word

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Female Number of posts : 305
Age : 54
Location : Visalia CA
Registration date : 2007-07-16

Trinity....sometimes can be a bad word Empty
PostSubject: Trinity....sometimes can be a bad word   Trinity....sometimes can be a bad word Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2007 2:46 pm

Especially if you are in Paltalk. The word, "Trinity" strikes fear in the hearts of so many, even Christians. They see God as being one, which He is, but they don't see Jesus in the very same essence as God the Father. Not sure how they view the Holy Spirit, either. Well, I DO know that they don't consider the Spirit to be God.

So what about it? How do we discuss the Trinity that is easy to understand, or can we really understand it at all unless we have guidance through the Holy Spirit?
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Male Number of posts : 74
Age : 57
Location : Pekin, IL - USA
Registration date : 2007-07-23

Trinity....sometimes can be a bad word Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trinity....sometimes can be a bad word   Trinity....sometimes can be a bad word Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2007 4:58 pm

I heard a great one from the wise theologian - Mike Warnke. He said the trinity is like an apple pie - after you cut it into 3 pieces. You can make out the pieces - but under the crust - it all runs together again.

That's not too bad - if a bit simplistic. Smile

Accepting the Trinity is something we should do. I can't claim to completely understand it though. . . and I don't know about others. It certainly doesn't make me any more uncomfortable than anything else I don't understand - which is a lot of stuff....
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Trinity....sometimes can be a bad word
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