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 If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say....

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4 posters


Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

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PostSubject: If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say....   If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say.... Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 5:03 am

I normally fill you guys in when I get a new job, but I'm tired of getting all excited about it and then losing it and coming on here like a loser to report that I lost yet another job.

But for about a month now, Tommy and I have worked for Siemens, which is a worldwide company based out of Germany. They warehouse and ship parts of all kinds - medical, water, electrical you name it - the one where we work ships electrical parts - and so that's where we are right now.

Once again, it's a temp to perm position. We're not really their employees yet, and we may or may not be - it depends on their need, our performance, that sort of thing. So if they're hiring, and we're doing good, then we're in there. Otherwise, we have a year before we have to find another job, God willing and the creek don't rise. They will keep you a total of 50 weeks before letting you go if they don't hire you. So we're guaranteed almost a year of employment either way you slice it.

At this time they're in a hiring freeze. If the real estate market picks up, then we're golden, because that's when they get busy. Right now we're packing, but once we get our numbers up to par (mine already are) in packing, then we get to learn new things like driving reach trucks and cherry pickers, which translates into big money even if we only stay for a year and then head out somewhere else. Once you have a year on a cherry picker or a reach truck, you're good to go.

So basically our big boss who decided who gets hired is only 25 years old, is a Christian and a huge Petra fan, and really, really likes us a lot. The bosses under him really like us a lot, too - even the guy who is sort of a boss but not really, the guy who shoves the totes down to us - he is really kindhearted and is like a big, black Santa Claus, lol. He always talks to us with a twinkle in his eye and I can tell he admires us for our determination. So far we've already been through a stomach virus each, numerous asthma attacks (Tommy) and a urinary tract infection (me).

There's this other guy they hired, Randy, who can't remember anything they tell him, doesn't do jack diddly squat performance wise, and always smells like beer. If they keep him, then they're keeping us.

My numbers are already at or above quota every day. Now Tommy's just need to get up, but he's making progress toward that goal.

He may have to call off tomorrow, and I had to call off one day already because of the infection (I was in major kidney pain) but they really, honestly don't care. I almost can't believe it. That Randy guy called off halfway through the day, every day of his first week, and he's still there.

Any time they even see you bending over stretching or rubbing your forehead, they're all over you, asking if you're okay and if you want to clock out and go home. Maybe they're trying to save man-hours for temps or something, I don't know.

But it works out for us because with all our health guys already know how it is.

So pray for us that we can keep this one. They are uncommonly nice!

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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say....   If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say.... Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 5:12 am

Oh yeah I forgot to mention some of the other perks there:

* you get paid every week

* we get to listen to literally any music we want, all day

* no dressing up or dealing with customers

* we should be getting raises soon (can you believe that?)

* we'll be getting raises even while we're temps

* while you're a temp you get paid holidays

* we can take the week of cornerstone off if we want but it's unpaid

* if we're hired, then in 3 years we'll be up to about $17.00 an hour which is dynamite pay for Ohio.....this would be almost double what we're making now

* no Saturdays or Sundays!!!!!!!

* we always get at least 40 hours a week

* overtime is rarely mandatory

* we're on the same schedule as John

* if hired.........the benefits are out of this world. they are cafeteria style like the ppl at the post office get.

* if hired, upon your one year anniversary you get 17 paid days off, 10 paid holidays and 2 floating holidays. if you don't use them, they CARRY OVER!!!!

* every year you get cost of living bonuses and raises

* when you stay safe for so long, pass inventory, etc you get cool incentives like paid lunches, t-shirts, etc

..........I think that's about it.

The company's been around a while. John told me that they used to help build U-boats during WWII.

If you read this, say a prayer that we would BOTH get hired full time!!!! (and soon!)
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Female Number of posts : 223
Age : 36
Location : Ashland, Kentucky/ Young Harris, Ga
Age : 19 1/2
Registration date : 2008-02-23

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PostSubject: Re: If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say....   If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say.... Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 7:42 am

wow thats so cool!!!! i really want to meet you guys.
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Female Number of posts : 585
Age : 69
Location : Charlotte, NC
Registration date : 2007-05-24

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PostSubject: Re: If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say....   If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say.... Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 7:50 am

I pray it works out well for you - I know how much it would mean for you to have good steady work. sunny
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Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 31
Location : haven't seen a sign for miles
Registration date : 2008-02-22

If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say....   If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say.... Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 9:23 am

sounds like a great oppourtunity!

good luck and i'll be praying for you guys!!
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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say....   If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say.... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 09, 2008 11:38 am

Yeah they sent us home early last night because like Strongbad would say........

The down!
The down!
The down!

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If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say....   If They Don't Keep Us At This Job Then IDK What 2 Say.... Icon_minitime

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