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 In your cd player now.

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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeWed May 07, 2008 3:09 pm

Ok, I know this has been done before, BY ME , but it was fun...So, imagine we all have a five disc cd player, what is on it right now....And for those of us who dont have one, like me, just your top five played cds at the moment will suffice. Here are Mine WITH PICS EVEN +WOOT+cheers Shocked clown

1. In your cd player now. Th_25459ad0 The Sundays-Static & Silence.

2. In your cd player now. Tedworthlessalbum Ted Worthless-Voice of Anger (yes its christian LoL)
3. In your cd player now. Th_TAYLORSWIFT Taylor Swift - Self titled.
4. In your cd player now. Th_braindrill Braindrill - Apocolyptic Feasting.
5. In your cd player now. Th_Metallica-kill-em-all Metallica - Kill 'em All.

So thats whats in my ears right now.
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Male Number of posts : 876
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeWed May 07, 2008 3:22 pm

im not at home, so i dont have the artwork and im not gonna search it, but i got...

bob dylans greatest hits
the slim shady LP-eminem
...and justice for all-metallica
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeWed May 07, 2008 3:27 pm

Wow I would have never figgered you for a Dylan fan.
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Male Number of posts : 876
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeWed May 07, 2008 3:30 pm

haha, yup, it's good stuff man, dylan, greatful dead, anything you can throw at me really.

as long as it takes some talent.
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Male Number of posts : 41
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeWed May 07, 2008 7:32 pm

What's a cd player? I think i saw one of those at an antique shop the other day.Laughing
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Male Number of posts : 287
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeWed May 07, 2008 8:29 pm

Casting Crowns- Life Song
Kid Rock- Rock N Roll Jesus
Die Happy- Vol. 1
Deliverance- Live at Cornerstone
Nathan Lee- Down At The Rutledge
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Male Number of posts : 340
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeWed May 07, 2008 9:15 pm

Souljourners- Mind Control
Kid Rock- Rock and Roll Jesus
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 1:30 pm

OcKen34 wrote:
What's a cd player? I think i saw one of those at an antique shop the other day.Laughing
Let me refresh your memory....remember back when you was listening to I love you Da Crucified I love you on that thing called a cassette deck??? When you was shirking your duties of shipping out the stuff for sanctuary as you slept on the couch ...LOL LOL....well a cd player is that thing you got right after you wore out your cassette deck that had those shiney silver pancake looking doodads that you jammed in it and sonic perfection exploded from your speakers..... Whats the new thing now? digital tunage?
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 1:33 pm

rock4king wrote:
Souljourners- Mind Control
Kid Rock- Rock and Roll Jesus
Thats only four, you owe us one more.
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Male Number of posts : 876
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 3:11 pm

OcKen34 wrote:
What's a cd player? I think i saw one of those at an antique shop the other day.Laughing

ipods rock.
but nothing beats cd's, u can use em in the car, at some old persons house, DVD players, they're just universal now!
i love them....
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 3:16 pm

My daughters boyfriend has an older Ipod , Im trying to buy it off of him...He let me play with it...I had so much fun I felt like I was Leutenant Worf on star trek or something....So far from 33 1/2 lps and eight tracks when I got into music. clown
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Male Number of posts : 876
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 3:22 pm

ima bout to oreder a new classic, cuz mine broke Sad
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeThu May 08, 2008 3:35 pm

im still learning all of this new gadgetry.....last thing I got like that was a jump drive and I thought I was top O the Line
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 12:25 pm

I <3 my ipod
top 5 fave songs (I have very few complete albums in there )atm

any Rammstein
Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance
B.O.B. - OutKast
Be Quiet and Drive - Deftones
I'm Keeping You - Tonya Donnelly

What is this Kid Rock - Rock n Roll Jesus?? new album? song? both? I love Kid Rock, can't get hubby into him at all. Although I will give hubby credit for finally breaking down and listening to one of my old ICP cd's
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Male Number of posts : 876
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 12:40 pm

it's his new album.
i dont like the name...but it's pretty good music, Amen was the best.

woah, ICP?
isnt that like, hardcore gangsta rap?
im not judging it (or you) cuz ive never heard it, just asking.
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 6:31 pm

Quote :
Although I will give hubby credit for finally breaking down and listening to one of my old ICP cd's

That's just cruel punishment. Don't you love your husband?

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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 10:28 pm

yeah yeah I know. I can't help it. I was a juggalo before there was such thing as a juggalette and now that I see hatchet men like EVERYWHERE it just lost it's coolness. hey i listened to country music for my hubby!! so i called it even.

ohmygoth victor you never heard ICP?? they are kinda rap they are wicked clowns!!! some of their stuff is funny some is twisted if you're going to check out anything check out their song "chicken huntin' " from like midway in their career. they are not for everyone - not for most even lol!!

Last edited by switchbladeknitter on Fri May 09, 2008 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : didn't see victors post had to fill him in on ICP)
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Male Number of posts : 876
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 11:04 pm

heard of them, but only from dad who does nothing but trash them.....and he always told me KoRn was aweful, turned out to be my favorite.

so i gotta get on youtube and check it out.
cuz im about to fall out of this chair.
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Female Number of posts : 804
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeSat May 10, 2008 12:58 am

Don't go expecting much. ICP is a love em or hate em kind of band. But I'll say no more til you check em out. Except that if you don't like Emimem you actually might like ICP.
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeSat May 10, 2008 11:07 am

I think ICP is Halarious. Humorous and violent.
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Female Number of posts : 804
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeSun May 11, 2008 12:19 pm

that's what I think about em. ^^
I mean crazy funny violent then all the semi -gothy -ness like Dead Body Man and Cemetery Girl and stuff like that. But they are a very hard band to try to explain to someone who never heard them. I can't drink a Faygo without smiling.
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Male Number of posts : 876
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2008 10:52 am

im back on the road to depression.
and since my music changes with my mood,
here's an updated list.

There's nothing like a beating-SWINGSHOT
In your cd player now. Fb5ee5d15e829e1f3b5163azn9

the essential ozzy osbourne
In your cd player now. The%20Essential%20Ozzy%20Osbourne

ghosts I-IV-NIN
In your cd player now. Nine_inch_nails_ghosts_i_iv_frontcover

The end of all things to come-Mudvayne
In your cd player now. The-End-Of-All-Things-To-Come

The principal of evil made flesh-Cradle of filth

Ummm.....i'm not gonna put that artwork..i don't think it would be appreciated.
but, ya know, here's a link :-S

Last edited by MetalheaD on Mon May 12, 2008 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Male Number of posts : 340
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2008 11:26 am

Blacktide- Light From Above.... what a great hard rock album by 20 yr old kids, sounds like a mix of Crue, Tesla, Maiden and Dokken with a little sabbath thrown in


2 thumbs way up!!!!
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Number of posts : 35
Registration date : 2008-04-23

In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2008 4:25 pm

Right now my top 5 are:

Robert Plant/Alison Krauss "Raising Sand"

Aletheian "Dying Vine"

A burn of the Frost Like Ashes setlist for Cornerstone

El Gibbor (actually all of their cds in tandem)

TNT "Intuition"
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2008 11:57 pm

Titanic - Full Steam Ahead
Saviour Machine - Live In Deutschland I
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In your cd player now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: In your cd player now.   In your cd player now. Icon_minitime

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In your cd player now.
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