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 Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.

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6 posters


Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeFri May 09, 2008 1:02 am

So if we're gonna bring up Torn Flesh why not One Bad Pig?

Man did those guys fall off the edge of the Earth or what?????




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Female Number of posts : 52
Age : 52
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 3:41 am

Laughing Dood!!!!!!!!!!! That is CRAZY mad you mentioned those cats! (eeerrr...pigs) I was lurking around on YouTube today and guess what I found? A freakin' One Bad Pig video! I was like "what the fuzz???? One Bad Pig???"
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Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 1:57 pm

I seen one bad pig in concert with THE LEAD in a little club in Charlotte nC called the alternative room. I was in a band called frantic pace at the time, a backsliding band we will say and I tried to start a fight with Julio from The Lead. The pig guys were awesome that night , my fave was Smash the guitar!!!!!!
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Female Number of posts : 52
Age : 52
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeSat May 17, 2008 6:27 am

Ahhhhhh..........the Lead. One of Mine and Tonnies fav's....
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Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeSat May 17, 2008 10:55 am

i stilll listen to the Lead alot. GOod StUff
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Female Number of posts : 52
Age : 52
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2008 4:43 am

The real test. Have you ever listened to Lust Control????
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Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2008 9:23 am

Yea i had the album that had the gorilla on the front of it. I forget the name of it tho.
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Female Number of posts : 52
Age : 52
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeTue May 27, 2008 5:32 am

Well, well Viking, I'm impressed... Wink
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Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeTue May 27, 2008 10:32 am

I used to be very well versed in Christian music.., back in the day I had over 300 titles of christian music, most of it was lost or traded for other stuff more important, some was loaned out and never returned.
We have covered One Bad Pig, The Lead, Lust control, Torn Flesh, now lets dig a bit deeper , who has heard of a band called Stone Vengeance? They was a Christian thrash metal band comprised of all black gentlemen back in the eighties. Now they went secular and have pics of themselves with naked Porn stars on their laps and use vulgar language and speak of women like sex objects.. But back in the day they had some good music for God. The lead singer was Michael who has heard of this Christian Band?
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Female Number of posts : 52
Age : 52
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2008 1:31 am

YIKES! You got me there bruthah...
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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2008 4:22 am

Nope but it's sad that they had to stoop to that level! Sounds like they could use some lust control! LOL
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Male Number of posts : 47
Age : 52
Location : nz/aus
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-08-20

Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 15, 2008 8:50 am

Yeah man , I got that tape sent to me from Coffee back in the day. I thought it was a pretty funky thrash sound from a group of black guys. They were cool.Man they were the Glory Days .

What about somemore vintage stuff like VALOR, man I really got off on that guitar sound,those dudes rocked!!

Did anyone get to see EMPTY TOMB back in the day, They were cool what I heard of them from Dale Earlys TEMPERED STEEL. Is Dale anywhere around ?

Finally RED INK anyone know of them cause I loved their stuff to the core and Im wondering if ASH HENSON is floating around somewhere? MAN I LOVED THE EIGHTIES.
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Female Number of posts : 804
Age : 46
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Age : 29 and holding!!
Registration date : 2007-11-13

Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 16, 2008 1:14 pm

I feel like such a weenie. I know nothing about any of these bands you guys are talkin about.

I was still a young heathen in the 80's.
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Male Number of posts : 219
Age : 59
Location : West Virginia
Age : 46
Registration date : 2008-12-06

Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 16, 2008 4:32 pm

Dale Early??? I think that was his name... Ive often wondered what happened to him. The Tempered steel tapes that he sent me rocked. Good radio show.
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Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2008-08-07

Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 20, 2008 4:07 pm

Swine Flew

Need i say more?
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Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.   Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig. Icon_minitime

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Aaaaaaaaaaaand......One Bad Pig.
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