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 Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?

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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Empty
PostSubject: Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?   Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Icon_minitimeSun May 25, 2008 1:15 am

Well I have two people now who I'm dealing with, who claim to be "MPD" or who have Multiple Personality Disorder.

One of them has five parts, all of them different ages.

The other one is somebody who I am VERY close to and whom I love very much, who just announced it to me this week.

To me it really sounds like demonic possession, although they both claim to be saved, or at least their "host" personality does.

The one claims that his "host" personality is saved but the secondary one is not. How can this be? Doesn't the Bible say that blessing and cursing can't come out of the same mouth?

Just a question.

But anyways the thing that really bothered me today (this is gonna get a little spiritual so be warned) so yeah today I was teaching at our bible study right? ...on the Holy Spirit. Well this person started getting agitated and shifting around in his seat and frowning, holding his head, etc. I made mention of him having asked the Holy Spirit into his life and he said, "Well that wasn't ME that did it" and immediately I knew he was in his alter ego. Later on, I saw him start to stand up, at kind of a weird angle, and act like he was gonna leave. It was weird because in my mind's eye which is where I hear God speak to me, I heard God's voice say authoritatively, "SIT DOWN!" and this individual immediately sat down.

I didn't give him a "look", or say anything. It just all kind of happened within a few seconds. The more I talked about the Holy Spirit, the more agitated this person got.

Then later, he switched back to his "host" personality and was happy and silly and joyful, and it was all good.

I just don't know what to make of it. I've read up on MPD/DID on both sides of the fence. I've read psychological websites about it, and I've read sites where people claim to have had friends who had demons cast out of them who had been diagnosed MPD.

Was just wondering what you all think of it.

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Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2008-02-22

Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?   Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Icon_minitimeSun May 25, 2008 5:25 pm

my mom works with mentally delayed persons.
one has skitzo really bad, can't really function is society, i'm very interested in this disorder but haven't read much on the spiritual side of things....

what you've gotta remember is it's a mental handicap, something they can do nothing about, so the way i look at it, to judge them (and im not saying you are!) for anything that a person in this position does would be like condemning a mute man for not calling his wife or something

(lame analogy, but you get the point)

demonic possesion?
it's a reality.
but it's more likely that this is a chemical imbalance or some such.

: )
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Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?   Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Icon_minitimeSun May 25, 2008 6:13 pm

as a former worker with mentally handicapped people I have to say not every miswired brain is demonic....My brain is messed up and Medicine helps, if it was demonic it wouldnt help. Rosemary, a woman I worked with had three personalities, one was a man two were women but all the same age....Meds helped her, she was not possessed...But this is just all from personal experience. Who knows it might be different with some people.
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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?   Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2008 1:03 am

What if the alter ego doesn't believe Jesus exists although the root personality does, and the person describes it as being all black, with six wings and black eyes?
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Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?   Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2008 2:35 am

ive described things like that when i was totally whacked out on a keg of beer...
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Female Number of posts : 52
Age : 52
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-04-23

Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?   Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2008 4:56 am

Tonya...Personally. I would ask them if they want set free. Grab a bottle of oil, get your THREE closest, most trusted spiritual peeps, including the covering of your home...(John) and cast that crap out into the deepest parts of the sea.

But that's me.
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Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 31
Location : haven't seen a sign for miles
Registration date : 2008-02-22

Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?   Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2008 2:52 pm

k, i was talking to my mom and she describes it like this:

it's like a pie that's been partially eaten, the part that remains is in YOUR hands, you decide it's fate, you could eat it, throw it away, give it to some homeless dude, let it stay in the fridge till it turns green and fuzzy and attacks you while your tryna break out some hard lemonade!

but the part that's gone is just that; gone, you can not possibly control it, no matter how much you'd like to.

it's the same way with a person suffering from skitzofrenia, there's simply nothing they can do about ANYTHING when they're not themselves

my dad (former cop) worked a case one time where this guy forgot to take his lithium (skitzo meds) and his heart rate was 3X faster than it should be, blood pressure was through the roof and he was sweating bullets......his paranoid personality had come out, he thought he was in mortal danger and there was nothing his "true" self could do about it.

GC--that's effin hardcore.
if i ever go insane just leave me the bugger alone.
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Female Number of posts : 804
Age : 46
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Age : 29 and holding!!
Registration date : 2007-11-13

Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?   Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 03, 2008 6:19 pm

ok I have a lot of thoughts on this.
Me I know that my brain is a little wonky.I know that it's not "normal" for brains to work the way mine does. I mean I can go from happy and ok to crying my eyes out and having dark or destructive thoughts etc. Some of the things that come out of my mouth, I can't even believe I say them. And I have been told that I can act like two entirely different people.
I think that this goes along the lines of when Victor was asking of depression was a sin. I think that if you're brain isn't right it just isn't right. No one's fault and no sin. But I also believe that God can help ease any pain, mental or physical.
I do believe in possession but I think that most of the time it is some sort of chemical imbalance.
I have a theory about stories in the bible where Jesus cured people who were possessed. I think that yes he did cure them but they weren't always possessed. Some had some sort of other thing wrong with their brain. They saw someone having convulsions and foaming at the mouth as possessed we see epilespy. they saw someone who maybe said crazy things as possessed we can see terets. I don't doubt one bit that he cured them, I just think that since they had no clue as to what was wrong with people, everyone who wasn't "acting right" was possessed.
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Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?   Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 03, 2008 6:47 pm

Metalvikng wrote:
ive described things like that when i was totally whacked out on a keg of beer...

So have I, on acid! Twisted Evil
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Female Number of posts : 804
Age : 46
Location : here I am!
Age : 29 and holding!!
Registration date : 2007-11-13

Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?   Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 03, 2008 7:22 pm

booze, acid, pot, pills, etc - you know Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas??? I laugh at that movie because I can remember this one time.....but that was a different life.

And I wonder why my brain is broken now. Sheesh!
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PostSubject: Re: Multiple Personality Disorder? Or Demonic Possession?   Multiple Personality Disorder?  Or Demonic Possession? Icon_minitime

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