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 age 16 right of passage

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age 16 right of passage Empty
PostSubject: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 11:35 am

I take my youngest daughter Debbie for her first tattoo today....Im all excited. Just as much as she is.
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Female Number of posts : 804
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Registration date : 2007-11-13

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PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 12:02 pm

Personally I think that's the perfect age for your first tat. It's when I got mine.
What's she gonna get?
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age 16 right of passage Empty
PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 12:10 pm

A black star with a hot pink heart in it and sort of light radiating out of it..(pink light)
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Female Number of posts : 804
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PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 12:37 pm

Sounds great! Sort of girly punk.
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age 16 right of passage Empty
PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 12:56 pm

she reminds one of Avril Lavigne except with jacked up hair. But personality wise, shes like avril.
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Male Number of posts : 41
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PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 2:12 pm

Uh dude, it's illegal in most states to tattoo anyone under 18. Also, I think someone who takes a 16 year old kid to get a tattoo is bad parenting. I'm just sayin
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Male Number of posts : 876
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age 16 right of passage Empty
PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 3:29 pm

OcKen34 wrote:
Uh dude, it's illegal in most states to tattoo anyone under 18. Also, I think someone who takes a 16 year old kid to get a tattoo is bad parenting. I'm just sayin

suing mcdonalds becasue thier coffee is hot is LEAGAL.
prostitution is LEGAL. (in some states)

legality is far overrated.

and how is two years difference a matter anyway? it's no different, especially if she's mature for her age.....
think before you speak mate Mad
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age 16 right of passage Empty
PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 6:17 pm

OcKen34 wrote:
Uh dude, it's illegal in most states to tattoo anyone under 18. Also, I think someone who takes a 16 year old kid to get a tattoo is bad parenting. I'm just sayin

and im just saying you dont know crap about parenting.....But im just saying.Very Happy Its obvious that your knowledge of wv state laws equals your knowledge of what good parenting is.

anyway, here is a pic of my little girls tattoo. The swelling and blood is still in it, so ignore the swelling and stuff.

age 16 right of passage Debbiestattoo
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Female Number of posts : 7
Age : 32
Age : 15
Registration date : 2008-01-27

age 16 right of passage Empty
PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 6:24 pm

OcKen34 wrote:
Uh dude, it's illegal in most states to tattoo anyone under 18. Also, I think someone who takes a 16 year old kid to get a tattoo is bad parenting. I'm just sayin

I dont understand why people are so happy to jump in other peoples business.It is ABSOLUTLEY none of your business what my father does and does not let me do and in my opinion you have no right to judge him on that. My father is a better father than you or any one else for that matter could ever be so i suggest you take a few steps back and look ast your own judgemental self if you think your so godly.

Edited for language - Marcia
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Female Number of posts : 7
Age : 32
Age : 15
Registration date : 2008-01-27

age 16 right of passage Empty
PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 6:25 pm

MetalheaD wrote:
OcKen34 wrote:
Uh dude, it's illegal in most states to tattoo anyone under 18. Also, I think someone who takes a 16 year old kid to get a tattoo is bad parenting. I'm just sayin

suing mcdonalds becasue thier coffee is hot is LEAGAL.
prostitution is LEGAL. (in some states)

legality is far overrated.

and how is two years difference a matter anyway? it's no different, especially if she's mature for her age.....
think before you speak mate Mad

well said my friend, well said. Kudos <3
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Female Number of posts : 804
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Registration date : 2007-11-13

age 16 right of passage Empty
PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 9:52 pm

actually if a parent signs for a child it's perfectly legal in most states.
And I gotta second Victor - legality is far over rated.

Your words are a little harsher than I would choose to use but I'm not 16 anymore - I have calmed down a lot - LOT since that time.
I do like your tat - not how I pictured it was going to look in my head.
And in case I/you aren't there whenever it is - Happy Birthday.
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Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 31
Location : haven't seen a sign for miles
Registration date : 2008-02-22

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PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 10:17 pm

KaZaM wrote:

well said my friend, well said. Kudos <3

sure, sure...thanks.
love that tat, and happy birthday....

sorry i forgot earlier, got kinda pissed xD
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age 16 right of passage Empty
PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2008 5:40 pm

Hey Kenny, I'm sorry I got so red at you.....You are like a friend to me ever since the Sanctuary according to Thomas Video...I'm really sorry I came off so strong. But dude you came in with guns blazing, its in my nature to shoot back....and I think my daughters words speak for themselves...Marcia, thank you for editing them, Not the words I would have chosen for my daughter to use but I didn't wanna pee her off any more than she was...she was so mad that she walked around slamming her fists into the walls yelling NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY DADDY THAT WAY......Made me so proud...

But anyway , Kenny I'm sorry, your a special dude in my eyes and you whether you know it or not have done a lot for me with your brief appearance in the S.A.T.T. video......So please forgive me for being rude to you.\ Now my daughter, maybe you should just leave her alone, shes my little spitfire HAAHAHAH.
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Male Number of posts : 41
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PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2008 9:29 pm

Metalvikng wrote:
Hey Kenny, I'm sorry I got so red at you.....You are like a friend to me ever since the Sanctuary according to Thomas Video...I'm really sorry I came off so strong. But dude you came in with guns blazing, its in my nature to shoot back....and I think my daughters words speak for themselves...Marcia, thank you for editing them, Not the words I would have chosen for my daughter to use but I didn't wanna pee her off any more than she was...she was so mad that she walked around slamming her fists into the walls yelling NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY DADDY THAT WAY......Made me so proud...

But anyway , Kenny I'm sorry, your a special dude in my eyes and you whether you know it or not have done a lot for me with your brief appearance in the S.A.T.T. video......So please forgive me for being rude to you.\ Now my daughter, maybe you should just leave her alone, shes my little spitfire HAAHAHAH.

I very rarely post here and when I posted this I didn't think it would cause such an uproar. I'm sorry for what i said. However, tatoos are for life and I just feel like a 16 year old should be encouraged to wait until they are a little older in order for them to know what they want to have on their skin forever.

Anyway, again, I am sorry for offending you and your daughter. I get very opiniated about things as I'm sure you of all people would understand. However, I'm sorry for posting what appeared to be a personal attack on you and your parenting skills. I think it best that I just don't post here again.

Peace out
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Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 31
Location : haven't seen a sign for miles
Registration date : 2008-02-22

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PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2008 10:07 pm

that would kinda suck, just dont go telling people they're making bad parental descisions, that's just one of those lines that even the very best of friends, brothers even, can't cross.
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Female Number of posts : 804
Age : 46
Location : here I am!
Age : 29 and holding!!
Registration date : 2007-11-13

age 16 right of passage Empty
PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 12:05 am

I think you prolly knew kinda that what you said might have been taken a little differently that how you meant it, but you were making a comment on your opinion of how you feel parenting should be and Jim and his lil baby girl see things a little different.
We don't have to always get along we just have to be cool with each other.

Oh and by the way nowadays not even tattoos are permanent.
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PostSubject: Re: age 16 right of passage   age 16 right of passage Icon_minitime

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