Symphonic black metal. metal symphonic metal.unblack metal
3 posters
Number of posts : 10 Age : 33 Age : 17 Registration date : 2008-06-15
Subject: Symphonic black metal. metal symphonic metal.unblack metal Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:20 pm
post it all here lol. i love symphonic metal and symphonic black metal and symphonic gothic metal. . but i like alot of others but igo for symphonic you??
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Symphonic black metal. metal symphonic metal.unblack metal Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:42 pm
Antestor, Crimson Moonlight, drottnir, sletcsvalk (sp?) just to name a few of the Christian ones I like.
Number of posts : 876 Age : 31 Location : haven't seen a sign for miles Registration date : 2008-02-22
Subject: Re: Symphonic black metal. metal symphonic metal.unblack metal Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:53 pm
i tire of paragraph-long generes.
there is death metal. there is black metal. there is thrash metal. and there is swing mtal.
this is all that exists in my world.
Number of posts : 340 Age : 64 Location : Omaha Registration date : 2007-05-21
Subject: Re: Symphonic black metal. metal symphonic metal.unblack metal Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:02 am
Drottnar is playing on the Sanctuary Stage this year.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Symphonic black metal. metal symphonic metal.unblack metal Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:47 pm
Man, one day I want to go to that.....I would probably feel like one of the beverly hillbillies out there in civilization tho.
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Subject: Re: Symphonic black metal. metal symphonic metal.unblack metal
Symphonic black metal. metal symphonic metal.unblack metal