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 Something God showed me.

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Something God showed me. Empty
PostSubject: Something God showed me.   Something God showed me. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 21, 2008 10:18 pm

If a man will just listen God can whisper wisdom in his ear. God showed me the following in a less than pleasant way. But he got my attention.

By exposing the Godlessness, unbelief, and complete fallen state of sin that whole races of others are in does not tell God one thing that he doesn't already know. I have been wasting my time exposing those that does not believe in Jesus. I have been wasting my time exposing those that are genetically predisposed to violent crimes... GOD KNOWS ALREADY. He also knows my sin and shortcomings. He will deal with the non believer. He will deal with the violent criminal minded. He will also deal with me.
All I need to worry about is the last card that is going to be played. That is my judgement before a righteous God. This earth can fall and burn, I must make sure my life is pleasing to God. He is in control of the rest. Instead of exposing the evil ones, I should mourn for them. Hell is just as real as heaven.
I must return to the fold. Ive been on my own too long. God give me strength to follow through. I dont have many chances left.
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Something God showed me. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something God showed me.   Something God showed me. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2008 2:38 am

Jim Burns wrote:
Godlessness, unbelief, and complete fallen state of sin that whole races

There is one race: the human race. My challenge to everyone, including myself. Pick up your Bible today and find in the NT where Jesus relates God's greatest commandment. It is probably one of the toughest things to live by, but also the most revolutionary in terms of what it could do if people actually took it to heart.


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Something God showed me. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something God showed me.   Something God showed me. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2008 2:04 pm

Ian wrote:

There is one race: the human race.
I disagree completely there. But my battle is no longer about that. When I think of how much time I wasted fighting an Earthly battle it makes me blush. It was like swatting at gnats when my eternal soul was on the line. I am going to have to learn to walk through life with my eyes closed because I still see. But the scripture Mark 9:47 sounds like it was written just for me. I refuse to deny the sin that I have always seen in the world, that would be silly. But before I even think of addressing that I have my own board to pull out of my eye. Matt. 7:5 study
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Something God showed me. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something God showed me.   Something God showed me. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2008 5:50 pm

Well, there is the race of the "shadow people", according to Art Bell. Laughing
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Female Number of posts : 585
Age : 68
Location : Charlotte, NC
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Something God showed me. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something God showed me.   Something God showed me. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2008 10:34 pm

Jim Burns wrote:
If a man will just listen God can whisper wisdom in his ear. God showed me the following in a less than pleasant way. But he got my attention....... I dont have many chances left.

And mine, too. Smile Unlocked and ready... tongue
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Male Number of posts : 114
Location : franklin, nc
Registration date : 2008-01-18

Something God showed me. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something God showed me.   Something God showed me. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 12:01 pm

genetically predisposed to violent, that is the whole human race! we all are born into sin, with that sinful nature, bro. read romans!
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Something God showed me. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something God showed me.   Something God showed me. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 1:22 pm

Its all good. not worth worrying about. Smile
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Something God showed me. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something God showed me.   Something God showed me. Icon_minitime

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