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PostSubject: WHY?   WHY? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 3:37 am

WHY CANT people admit sin is sin....they want to tapdance around the truth......Oh its just a little sin....Its ok God dont see....Dangit cant we see without the blood of Jesus we are all in sin....My GOD its so obvious in my life and anyone elses life that lives and breathes.....Homosexuality, Idolatry, false gods, hate , malice , anger, sex, perversions, death fascinations.....My God its all there .......Man, God is real, he is serious......This isnt a game....I only say this because I am the worst of these
Man this is some serious stuff.
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Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 31
Location : haven't seen a sign for miles
Registration date : 2008-02-22

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PostSubject: Re: WHY?   WHY? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 9:23 pm

you sound a lot like my man brett...getting pretty blunt in his christianity.
i love it.
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Male Number of posts : 47
Age : 52
Location : nz/aus
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-08-20

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PostSubject: Re: WHY?   WHY? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2008 12:08 am

Therefore there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit . Romans 8:1

Yeah I was feeling down in my spirit last week and God gave me this when I needed to hear it.

What brings on condemnation?... sin
Whats the remedy?... Jesus Christ.

So surrender to Our Lord and Saviour and walk according to the Spirit.

My prayers are with ya Jim, Shalom
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PostSubject: Re: WHY?   WHY? Icon_minitime

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