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 prayer request - or an arc!

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Female Number of posts : 804
Age : 46
Location : here I am!
Age : 29 and holding!!
Registration date : 2007-11-13

prayer request - or an arc! Empty
PostSubject: prayer request - or an arc!   prayer request - or an arc! Icon_minitimeMon Sep 15, 2008 12:20 pm

Please say a prayer for all us NW Indiana people who are experienceing awful flooding right now. And it's heading for OH so throw a prayer in for them too.
We're on the road right now and only found out we're flooding out there because I called my friend at home and she's like
"It's flooding out here. The highway is shut down because parts of it are a lake."
So since we're heading to New York with this delivery we have to go through the area so we are going to find a way around the shut down highway to go check on our storage unit where every material possession we own may or may not be soaked.
I am so worried about it. I mean I know it's only stuff and I am very unmaterialistic but my husband and I have both at different times lost almost all our material possessions before.
All I really have left is my books, cds, and craft stuff. He's got tons of tools and electronics and we are really worried.
So please pray for everyone in our area and that at least some of our stuff was spared.
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Male Number of posts : 287
Age : 67
Registration date : 2007-05-21

prayer request - or an arc! Empty
PostSubject: Re: prayer request - or an arc!   prayer request - or an arc! Icon_minitimeTue Sep 16, 2008 9:18 am

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Female Number of posts : 804
Age : 46
Location : here I am!
Age : 29 and holding!!
Registration date : 2007-11-13

prayer request - or an arc! Empty
PostSubject: Re: prayer request - or an arc!   prayer request - or an arc! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2008 7:41 pm

thanks. update - our shed was ok the waters weren't too high there.
In general though our region is offically a disaster area. I had a few friends whose houses had basements trashed and at least one person who had to be evacuated from her house. There was a few roads destroyed in the neighborhood areas of towns and the highway 80/94 the major thru route for the area was completely flooded and closed for 2 days.
Everyone is drying out and trying to get back to normal. Course I have to keep track of everyone through phone calls and by the online version of the local paper.
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prayer request - or an arc! Empty
PostSubject: Re: prayer request - or an arc!   prayer request - or an arc! Icon_minitime

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