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 Pray for Kyle Sweet- today

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Male Number of posts : 340
Age : 63
Location : Omaha
Registration date : 2007-05-21

Pray for Kyle Sweet- today Empty
PostSubject: Pray for Kyle Sweet- today   Pray for Kyle Sweet- today Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2008 3:12 pm

Here is the latest info on Kyle's chemo treatment and the struggles she faces (posted by Michael Sweet at the Stryper Forum on 8/31/08):

After 3 long months i will return home to my wife and family tomorrow. I will meet up with Kyle at Dana Farber as she prepares for her next Desensitization Chemo treatment on Tuesday. Please pray for her. It will be a long 6-8 hour infusion. Unfortunately she did have a reaction again when she did this process last time. She was in ICU at the time so they were able to keep it under control. She will be getting two different types of chemos and a boatload of drugs that will hopefully keep her from going into anaphylactic shock. It really wiped her out last time. Just to clarify, this is not the experimental drug she was doing in the spring. That didn't work. She is now using a combo of Gemzar and Carboplatin. It is the Carbo she is allergic to. I have been asked why she continues to use a drug she is deathly allergic to. Her CA-125 had climbed over 7,000. (anything over 35 marks the likely presence of ovarian cancer.) Yeah, we didn't know it could get that high. This combo was bringing it down to the 3,000's. Kyle always laughs when she talks about the fact of how freaked out we were last winter when it went up to 500! Right now 500 would feel like a complete healing. This has been the only drug that has stablized her disease since October.
She has a really rough couple of weeks ahead so please keep her in your prayers. She apologizes for not keeping everyone up to date but has had a difficult time with high fevers, pain and weakness.
Kyle literally pushed me out the door in June to do this tour. It was the most selfless act of love I have every experienced. Even after 22 years of marriage she still loves me that much! Now it's time for me to return to her. I hope and pray I can help her get back on her feet and strong once again. Thank you to all of you who have held her up in prayer through the summer. Please keep praying. Her battle is far from over.

I'm Humbled and Blessed,


If all goes according to plan she will go back in a week on the 9th for a single treatment of Gemzar, have a 2week break and do the Desensitization again on the 23rd.
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