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 church in Good Hope,Alabama causes controversy on billboard

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Registration date : 2007-07-13

church in Good Hope,Alabama causes controversy on billboard Empty
PostSubject: church in Good Hope,Alabama causes controversy on billboard   church in Good Hope,Alabama causes controversy on billboard Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 10:01 am

in Good Hope,Alabama (Just outside of Cullman,which is roughly 35 minutes from here) there's a church talking about Sex which most people are not bothered by that,but the billboard is another story. the topic is called "Great Sex God's Way". i can't find a picture of the billboard.but i did find the actual picture in a website on MSNBC in the background of the guy preaching.

go to to watch videos on this topic. looks like most or all are on you tube anyway. Just thought i'd share. feel free to express your thoughts on this matter.

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church in Good Hope,Alabama causes controversy on billboard
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