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 Mrs Sweet

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3 posters


Male Number of posts : 219
Age : 59
Location : West Virginia
Age : 46
Registration date : 2008-12-06

Mrs Sweet Empty
PostSubject: Mrs Sweet   Mrs Sweet Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 8:59 pm

ALl the millions of prayers that went up for her , yet she died....does God hear anymore.....whats the use praying if he dont hear or dont listen to our cries? There had to be literally MILLIONS of prayers going up for her...yet she died....does he hear us?
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Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2008-08-07

Mrs Sweet Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs Sweet   Mrs Sweet Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 9:19 pm

Just because alot of people pray for something doesnt guarentee that itll be done, It wasnt because lack of faith either, God's will isnt controlled by us. He's not a candystore where we can ask and automatically get. Sometimes the answer is no, I know that sounds callious but It was in God's plan, she's in a much better place now where there is no pain and no cancer. God hears all Jim, even the thoughts that you have not spoken he knows what you think and speak before you do. I know this probobly doesnt help but in the end God was calling her home.
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Male Number of posts : 219
Age : 59
Location : West Virginia
Age : 46
Registration date : 2008-12-06

Mrs Sweet Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs Sweet   Mrs Sweet Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 4:12 am

Man I need my faith back bro.....I feel so empty without it. I guess with Mrs Sweet she was rewarded by death , not punished by it.
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Female Number of posts : 585
Age : 68
Location : Charlotte, NC
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Mrs Sweet Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs Sweet   Mrs Sweet Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 7:43 am

Quote :
...she was rewarded by death , not punished by it.

There is real truth in this that is hidden by human fear. We think death is the end and the punishment because we are so small and controlling in our thinking.

Life on earth and life in heaven is like a house with two rooms separated by thick, heavy gauze. We live in one room and God lives in the other. Our room is nice enough, but we have been told how completely PERFECT the other room is. We can't see it in it's entirety, but we get glimpses of it here and there, and we get excited about going into the other room. Everybody talks about how wonderful it is!

It seems nice enough in theory, but we are used to what we have in our own room and become afraid of what we really can't see. We want our people to stay with us in our room because it seems better to us - we are used to it and comfortable in it. It's good enough and we have fun here.

The real truth is that we pray for people to be healed because we are selfish. Not mean selfish - just scared selfish because we love them so very much. We do not want to live in our room without them because OUR life will be harder.

If we truly knew what we were denying them with our prayers, we would not pray specifically for healing, but for God's wisdom and grace in the matter.

Now we also know why those who have "died" technically, but have been brought back, live here in this room with a little emptier look and feel about them. They saw the other room and experienced it's perfect beauty for just a split second. It was enough to make this room look drab and dreary when compared to the truth and beauty of the other room.

Death is just the opening door for the Christian to the other room. Life continues, but this time, life is REAL, FULL of beauty, and PERFECT - definitely a reward!
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Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2008-08-07

Mrs Sweet Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs Sweet   Mrs Sweet Icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2009 3:45 pm

Good post Peace

I also wanted to add to my post is that when Jesus was praying in the garden right before his arrest he did ask that God spare him but that not Jesus' will be done but God's

Jim - Bro I feel ya I know i was at a point years ago where I wanted nothing to do with God and questioned his existance it was not an easy time I dont know what to tell you to help you just that I will continue to pray for you bro
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Mrs Sweet Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs Sweet   Mrs Sweet Icon_minitime

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