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 It's Time to Go Green!

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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

It's Time to Go Green! Empty
PostSubject: It's Time to Go Green!   It's Time to Go Green! Icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2009 1:50 am

Spring has sprung guys! How many of you are going to plant a garden this year? Do you have your seeds yet?

My brother and I have been working hard on his website and we've just added the Lawn & Garden Department and the Seeds Department into the megastore.

I'm not necessarily trying to sell stuff to you guys although that would be nice for my brother's sake and would help to support his continued recovery and help him to get his own place soon. (He's currently staying with my parents)

But also he has a dream of someday giving up to 50% of his proceeds to help find clean, safe housing for homeless people who suffer with bipolar manic depression dual diagnosis.

So, go check out our two new departments and tell me what you think!

I also posted about this on CMR just so you all know.

And most importantly of all ----- please TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Tell everybody you know about my brother's site! I think it's a really awesome thing he's doing and it's helping to keep us both busy and outta trouble!


flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flower

GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!
alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien
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