*braces for scripture*
Soo...I've been studying (researching) telepathy. Why? I think it's a common occurrence that needs only to be refined. For instance, I can be right in the middle of something and have this..feeling. Usually like, right behind my forehead, and I can't describe it. But without fail--when I get this I know that my mom is not having a good day, feels sick, whatever. I get a similar thing with a young lady I'm very close to, but that's usually in my chest, and it's a sinking feeling.
So I did this "test" with my mom a couple days ago. We got 5 crayons, and I would concentrate on one while she was just emptying her mind. The first i thought of was red, she guessed purple (if i'm remembering right) and *then* i wrote it down. then, without thinking at all I started to write down white. And immediately she said (loudly I might add) "WHITE!". We did this a couple times, she got two of 5. Not good odds, but the times she got them were the times I didn't stress, just wrote it down without focusing. Hmm.....
Who believes in it, who thinks it's wrong, and who thinks I'm full of crap?
Lemme hear you guys, I'm really interested in this...