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 A quote from my good (slightly deranged) buddy.

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Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 31
Location : haven't seen a sign for miles
Registration date : 2008-02-22

A quote from my good (slightly deranged) buddy. Empty
PostSubject: A quote from my good (slightly deranged) buddy.   A quote from my good (slightly deranged) buddy. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 08, 2009 8:49 am

We will get them all eventually.
We will drive them into the earth and crush them, and all of their inferior products.
We will destroy them utterly and wipe out their names; erase their ideals and their moralities from the history of man.
will pursue their traces to the ends of the earth. If there is no end
of the earth, for example if it turns out to be globular, then we will
pursue their traces endlessly and without tire.
We will smite their
hopes and annihilate their plans and we will call upon our DEITY to
invade their dreams and trouble them while they sleep.
We will prevail over them in the local marketplaces, the global market, and in the fields and the mountains...
We will imprison their significant others.
We will build temples and Home Depots on the smoldering ruins of their homes and hang-outs.
We will take all of their stuff.
We will spread lies about them and the world will deliberate.

I should have written the Old Testament.

Mind you, he's just screwing around.
I found it amusing...
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Male Number of posts : 74
Age : 57
Location : Pekin, IL - USA
Registration date : 2007-07-23

A quote from my good (slightly deranged) buddy. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A quote from my good (slightly deranged) buddy.   A quote from my good (slightly deranged) buddy. Icon_minitimeThu Jul 09, 2009 12:14 pm


So - who are 'they'????

I'm going to avoid them, whoever they are!!! Smile
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A quote from my good (slightly deranged) buddy.
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