well, i am definitly goth, (not that i look it, my parents would kill me) but idk bout the christian part, i was years ago ... but i dont see much point anymore. So, i think it could easily be done, i mean, i have grown up surrounded by christ and the bible and all of that ... (it actually gets REALLY annoying) and so i know more of the technical and "bible study" answers then anyone, and the bible says that god accepts anyone, not just people who do things "right", in fact, he especially loves people who have messed up cuz then he can use them to show others his love or something along those lines. i'm probably completely wrong sinse i know nothing about god's "love" but this is what i think. oh, and i'm glad he has worked out for other people, but i don't see any reason to believe in someone who has never been there for me.