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 Pastor Bob Beeman: Don't judge the WITCH-HUNTERS

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Male Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2007-05-31

Pastor Bob Beeman: Don't judge the WITCH-HUNTERS  Empty
PostSubject: Pastor Bob Beeman: Don't judge the WITCH-HUNTERS    Pastor Bob Beeman: Don't judge the WITCH-HUNTERS  Icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2015 6:34 pm

A friendly spoof of one of Pastor Bob's major themes over the years, exemplified in his latest video (below)... Mostly Bob's original words and message are left unchanged. Very minor substitutions alter his message into

Just read along as the video plays for the full effect. Hope all may enjoy my tongue in cheek parody in a spirit of humor (  Wink   )

For example, substituting "witch hunter" for "sinner"/"sin" we have:
"I would rather love a witch hunter without suggesting they should stop than going around and pointing out their witch hunting is wrong."

Judging people's sin [points finger]
more than loving witch hunters.
That's one of our biggest problems...

[Intro; 5 Internet Witch Hunts /part 4]

...Sometimes we don't love witch hunters enough.
And we have all these witch huntings that we are offended by.
And we go around the internet talking about them.

We keep pointing out every witch hunters' sins.
We keep talking about the fact that witch hunters aren't perfect.
And we keep judging witch hunters according to what we think they should be doing.

Folks, the bottom line is this: God told us to use a filter. Of love.
Not judgment. Of love.

What kind of love? Well it's called agape love, no "stop these witch hunts" conditions.
Loving each hunter because of each hunter
Loving each hunter sometimes in spite each hunter. That's the truth.

So, you see, it doesn't have anything to do necessarily with just judging witch hunters' sin all the time.
Judging witch hunters because they are not talking without sinning all the time.
You know, I would much rather talk about the opportunities in the faith than pointing my finger and screaming at witchhunters all of the time.

I would much rather begin the process of loving witch hunters unconditionally than always go around and pointing out everything witch hunters are doing is wrong. Because that always comes back to me.

None of us are perfect. The Bible says no one does good, not even one.

So what do we do with this? Let's judge how you should behave.

Number 1. Stop being personally insulted by witch hunting.
Stop judging according to witch hunting offending you.
You have no right, honestly, to be offended by witch hunting. That was nailed to the cross.
Instead of being offended God has given us the opportunity to love.

And folks, you cannot love unconditionally and be offended by people who confront sin at the same time.
You have to have one or the other.

Christ tells us to love. So put your offense about witch hunters away and begin to love unconditionally.

God bless you, and have a great day with your witch hunters.
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