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 Next week chat room will be running!!!

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Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Next week chat room will be running!!! Empty
PostSubject: Next week chat room will be running!!!   Next week chat room will be running!!! Icon_minitimeFri Oct 05, 2007 8:47 pm

First off I would like to thank Gary for giving me the opportunity to host the chats mon-fri.. The times will be 6:45pm pacific, 8:45pm central, 9:45pm eastern...I really do hope this will work out for everyone. Candi as I had mentioned in a previous post has come up with a bible trivia chat on Saturday nights. This will start on October 13th. She will be hosting...I really hope all of you can make it in at some point...We just want to fellowship and get to know each other. We are still working out the kinks. Please feel free to share your ideas about the room. So starting the week of October 8th we will be in gear. Everyone have a great weekend!!!

C-ya soon,
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Next week chat room will be running!!!
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