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 Chat room

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Female Number of posts : 585
Age : 68
Location : Charlotte, NC
Registration date : 2007-05-24

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PostSubject: Chat room   Chat room Icon_minitimeTue Oct 21, 2008 2:57 pm

Hey guys - I saw the thread lamenting the demise of the chatroom, but....
it's still there! Tink and I both have tested it. It seems to work just fine.

What a Face

Want to try for 10/22, Wed. night 8pm EST? Maybe dust it off and give it a run?
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Male Number of posts : 340
Age : 63
Location : Omaha
Registration date : 2007-05-21

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PostSubject: Re: Chat room   Chat room Icon_minitimeWed Oct 22, 2008 9:59 am

Somehow it disappeared, but I reinstalled it yesterday....not sure what happened, maybe due to inactivity????

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Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2007-07-13

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PostSubject: Re: Chat room   Chat room Icon_minitimeWed Oct 22, 2008 9:13 pm

where's the link?
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Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 31
Location : haven't seen a sign for miles
Registration date : 2008-02-22

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PostSubject: Re: Chat room   Chat room Icon_minitimeWed Oct 22, 2008 9:54 pm

just go to the homepage and scroll all the way down.
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PostSubject: Re: Chat room   Chat room Icon_minitime

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