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 Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below

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Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below Empty
PostSubject: Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below   Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below Icon_minitimeTue Oct 23, 2007 1:15 pm

Hey guys..Were going to try and arrange another Trivia night for Wednesday. I know some of you will not be able to make it. As this is also a night when a few of us do Church. My apologies to you. On the upside we want to see you and a friend with your bibles. And will have a great time of talk and games. I'm also going to look around in my stash of CD's...Someone will get to rip me off for something cool. And as I'm writting this I have the perfect CD to give away. Whoever wins at Trivia tomorrow night will get the latest Stryper CD "Reborn" So with that said we will be metting at 6:45 west, 8:45pm central, and 9:45pm eastern time. You must be a registerd user to enter the chat room. This is easy and only takes a few minutes.

C-ya there,
Jimmy and Crue
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Female Number of posts : 305
Age : 53
Location : Visalia CA
Registration date : 2007-07-16

Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below   Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below Icon_minitimeTue Oct 23, 2007 2:53 pm

Don't know if I'll be there early enough. For anyone else who is around, good luck to them. Smile
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Female Number of posts : 53
Age : 50
Location : Canada
Age : old
Registration date : 2007-09-04

Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below   Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below Icon_minitimeTue Oct 23, 2007 6:07 pm

LOL Wheres Mike.... would have him sending "crib Notes" LOL to the rest of us!!!! Laughing
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Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below   Bible Trivia Night!! and a free CD....details below Icon_minitime

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