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 Mike had a mild heart attack

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10 posters


Male Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2007-05-31

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 11:22 am

He's being prepped right now for a cath procedure. Pray that all goes well. I'll let you know what happens as soon as I can.
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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 11:53 am

Thank you for letting us know Dave- am praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 11:54 am

Thank you for letting us know Dave- am praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Male Number of posts : 287
Age : 68
Registration date : 2007-05-21

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 11:55 am

Praying, please do keep us informed..
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Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 12:20 pm

Oh man that is horrible....but Mike is a strong man....and a good man.
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Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 2:17 pm

I just talked to Mike last weekend. This would be his second mild heart attack since I have known him. Will sure be in prayer.
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Male Number of posts : 340
Age : 63
Location : Omaha
Registration date : 2007-05-21

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 2:22 pm

wow, praying. Thanks sirhemlock
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Number of posts : 159
Registration date : 2007-07-12

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 4:13 pm

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Male Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2007-05-31

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 7:33 pm

I just got back from visiting Mike at the hospital. They cathed him this morning, but were unable to correct the blockage because of its precise position, which means they'll have to open him up. They have scheduled a double bypass sometime tomorrow (the exact time of day hasn't been set yet). Two arteries are blocked 95% and 90% respectively (a third was blocked 30%; they decided to leave that one alone as intervention tends to do more harm than good in such cases). They are going to try to use an artery from his chest for the bypasses.

Mike is doing pretty well all things considered. His wicked sense of humor returned after the drugs wore off and he finally got something to eat (after two days without food!). There was remarkably little heart tissue damage (which is really good as heart tissue doesn't regenerate; this means that after the surgery Mike's heart should be, overall, in better condition than it was before the attack, i.e. very little tissue loss and a lot less blockage).

After the surgery tomorrow he'll probably be in ICU two days and remain in the hospital five or six more days. I'm planning on going back tomorrow. I'll try to update you then.

Thanks for all the prayers; keep 'em coming.
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Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 8:36 pm

Thanks for the update bro. Say hello to Mike for me and let him know I'm pulling for him. I would like to send Mike a card if possible. So if you could get me the address and room number I would appreciate that.

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Female Number of posts : 585
Age : 69
Location : Charlotte, NC
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 9:10 pm

Wow! If I remember, he is quite a young man for a heart attack, especially two. Definitely praying, asking for peace and healing for him.
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Female Number of posts : 305
Age : 53
Location : Visalia CA
Registration date : 2007-07-16

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 9:26 pm

We'll be praying for Mike.

When you see him next time, just tell him, "Hello, Mikeypoo!"
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Male Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2007-05-31

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2007 11:16 pm

I'm pleased to report that the surgery, which lasted from 8AM to about 2:30 in the afternoon, went extremely well. I went back early, but Mike had already been taken in so I wasn't able to talk to him today. Mike will be in ICU for a couple of days, in the hospital for 5-6 days after that, and then home. Thanks for all the love and prayer. ;-)

Keep praying for a rapid recovery and that the post-operative depression which is expected won't hit him too hard.
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Female Number of posts : 305
Age : 53
Location : Visalia CA
Registration date : 2007-07-16

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeMon Nov 05, 2007 12:03 am

We'll be praying. Smile
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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeMon Nov 05, 2007 12:25 am

OMG Teknontheo? Wow we'll have to pray for him! That sucks! Sad
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Female Number of posts : 53
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Registration date : 2007-09-04

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeMon Nov 05, 2007 10:16 am

Yes I Spoke with Jen Last night.. and found Out. Mikes a strong guy, and he will pull thru this.
It would be cool to send him a card Smile
when you see Him again tell Him to hang in there.. He and I still Have to Meet in person someday Soon!! AND i will be praying for him as well.
Mike had a mild heart attack AngelsKissFlowersMorehdG
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Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeMon Nov 05, 2007 1:02 pm

Will be praying, I mirror Jim's sentiments he's a good man
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Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeWed Nov 07, 2007 12:00 pm

Sorry to hear this, hoping for a full recovery.
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Female Number of posts : 305
Age : 53
Location : Visalia CA
Registration date : 2007-07-16

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeThu Nov 08, 2007 1:13 am

Any more news on Mikeypoo?
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Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeThu Nov 08, 2007 10:14 pm

I just got off the phone with Jen. Mike has been moved to his own room as of last night. I was able to speak to Mike for a few minutes. He sounds pretty good for all he has been through. Keep praying for him. If all goes well he will be coming home Monday or Tuesday of next week.

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Male Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2007-05-31

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeFri Nov 16, 2007 8:18 am

Mike is home and doing much better. 5-6 weeks and he should be as good as new. Thanks for all the prayers and the love.
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Female Number of posts : 53
Age : 50
Location : Canada
Age : old
Registration date : 2007-09-04

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 17, 2007 12:46 am

[size=24]COOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Smile [/size]
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Female Number of posts : 305
Age : 53
Location : Visalia CA
Registration date : 2007-07-16

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 17, 2007 2:07 am

AWesome!! Smile
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Number of posts : 159
Registration date : 2007-07-12

Mike had a mild heart attack Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitimeSat Nov 17, 2007 1:54 pm

Praise God! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Mike had a mild heart attack   Mike had a mild heart attack Icon_minitime

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