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 It Breaks My Heart When They Slip Away.... :-(

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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

It Breaks My Heart When They Slip Away....  :-( Empty
PostSubject: It Breaks My Heart When They Slip Away.... :-(   It Breaks My Heart When They Slip Away....  :-( Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2007 2:17 am

I I love you my youth kids. You guys know that.

I've had some slip away recently and it breaks my heart. I watch feeling helpless as they post MySpace bulletins full of cuss words and sexually explicit content. I pray and trust and nothing changes, in fact they seem to slip farther and farther away....


Man I love my kids so much!
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It Breaks My Heart When They Slip Away.... :-(
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