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 The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV. >:-8

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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Empty
PostSubject: The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV. >:-8   The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 16, 2007 5:53 am

Yeah that's right, UTSAV. A little immigrant boy who I want to bend over my knee and give a good old fashioned American butt whoopin' to, with a rolled up U.S. Constitution. I can see it now:

"This is gonna hurt me worse than it hurts you, Utsav! ALL - PEOPLE - ARE - CREATED - EQUAL!!!!!" (LOL)

Last time I checked, I was not somebody's prisoner or indentured servant. Last time I checked, I was an American, where all people are supposedly created equal.....right?

Well obviously not according to my little 18-21'ish middle eastern boss at my temp job. He walks around like he has a stick up his posterior, treating all the women like poop. I knew there was trouble, when they assigned my son to Tower One and assigned me to Tower Three. I knew it, because I knew I would be working with Utsav, who had not so much as smiled or said one kind word to me since I had been there.

Today, he had me in tears, and as I walked around working while bawling my eyes out, barely able to see the numbers on my wrist scanner, THREE DIFFERENT WOMEN said to me, "Utsav, right"? My gosh. They knew and I didn't even have to say a word.

I have had the rottenest luck with jobs in the past year. This one was showing promise, and that promise was stripped away from me, today.
All I have done for these people, is show up on time, be there every day, and work my butt off. I swear to God. Everybody who works with me would tell you that. The third day I was there, I cried all the way to work because I had a blister on every toe. The fourth day I was there, they grabbed me and had me to start sorting papers in addition to picking. It really helped, since my fat butt was having a really hard time standing and walking for ten hours a day, fifty hours a week mandatory overtime.
They had made me the official "printer person" and so I was to check all nine printers in all the towers, and sort all the "collates" (orders) at each printer, and have them ready for the guys to induct into the line so people could pick the orders. The lady from what they call the "Wave" office had trained me especially, to change the paper on the printers, and clean them and repair them if they broke. I was to be the "printer person".
So, part of the day I would sort papers, and part of the day I would pick toys from the racks and put them in totes. It sounds easy, but it is a one million square foot warehouse and it is a LOT....of walking, that I am not used to! I also have diabetes, and I weigh over 250 pounds, and as of last week, I all of a sudden have something wrong with my right foot, where my bottom of my foot and heel feel like my foot is broken after work and I can barely walk on it. I have to wear an Ace bandage during the day and take Tylenol or the pain is unbearable. I think I have a heel spur, and I'm going to see a foot doctor. But I digress.

They assigned me to Tower Three like I said, which is the FURTHEST tower from everything....bathrooms, lunchroom, everything. It literally takes me like six or seven minutes to walk from Tower Three to the lunch room. We also only get a half hour lunch and one fifteen minute break, for ten hours on our feet! It is like, almost impossible and I can't believe I have stayed there this long, honestly.

By the time I walk from the tower to the lunch room, I have about 16 minutes of lunch before I have to leave to walk back. Break? Forget about it. I just sit down somewhere for 15 minutes.

Tommy is lucky because he's in Tower One which is closest to everything, has a bathroom right beside it and is almost all the way up to the lunchroom. Tower One is also where all the nice people work.
Well, Utsav never has seemed to like the idea of me getting to sit down and sort papers. He has always been up my butt about it since I started doing it. "Are you SURE you're supposed to do this? Did someone ASK you to do this, Tonya? Well, I'm going to check on it". Or, he would come along and tell me to start picking, and I would remind him politely, that I was the printer person. He seemed to forget, daily. Very irritating.
I would always be polite and be like, "Yes, yes, so and so told me to do it. Yes, Utsav, I was trained by the lady in Wave. Yes, I know how to change the paper. Yes, I have her permission." Then once he found out it was my job and I wasn't lying it was, "Are you checking all those dates? Are you turning those criss-crossed? Are you sure you're checking the shippers?" And I was always, "Yes, I'm sure I'm checking the shippers. Yes, I'm criss-crossing them, thank you. No problem, I'm sure I know how to do it". Very polite, right? Well now I kind of wish I wasn't.

Today was hell.

So today, they printed "the wave" which is the work that comes off the printer for everybody, today, and somebody had screwed it all up. All the orders were coming out, and each person's order was printing like, ten or twenty times, but what was really jacked up was that they were all mixed up, so there were like, thousands of them but only a few hundred that were actually "real" orders and not duplicates. I was sitting there all day at one printer, sorting them out. Suddenly later on in the day, it dawned on me that we were doing double work. I was sorting them, and then the induction guys were scanning them, and I figured if I scanned with them it would get done faster.

Ironically I found out that this was what they were doing in Tower One where Tommy was. Apparently, a GUY had the same idea, and they did it there.

So I brought this idea up to some leads who were standing around talking (which we're not allowed to do), including my lead, Utsav who was standing there. Right away he was all, "No, no, no, just sort them". One of the other guys held up his hand and said, "Hey, it's no problem, whatever's easiest". So I went to do it, and Utsav came after me and was like, "Hey Tonya, I just want you to sort them okay? Just sort them". So, I tried to tell him about my idea, and at first he wouldn't listen, and then he did. And I swear to you, he looked right at me, and said, "Sure, that's fine".

So - I did it. And while I was doing it, I looked up, and he was standing there with his walkie-talkie, looking at me, radio'ing somebody. Soon, Jason, the guy over all three towers, comes clip-clopping up shouting my name and telling me the two of them want to talk to me.

So they pulled me over to the side and immediately started barking at me, saying that I was insubordinate. They also claimed that I "got into it" with a lead the other day, which is a BOLD FACED LIE, and I'd like to know who said it. I haven't so much as had a cross word with one soul since I've been there, I swear! All I've done - I swear - is worked my butt off there. I do not stand around and talk like other people, and when I see other people standing around, I mention to them that they're on camera. I even had a lead ask me to peek on each level for her and see if everybody was working, yesterday.

Then Jason said something that about knocked me to the floor, completely appalled. First, he said that if we have one more "misunderstanding", that I am FIRED. Then, Utsav asked him what he wanted me to do, and Jason said, hatefully, through his teeth, and I quote:


Oh. My God. Do with me as he pleases? I don't think so. I belong to NO ONE but ME. I live in AMERICA. I am NOBODY'S SLAVE, CHILD, or INDENTURED SERVANT. Nobody "does with me", period. I totally felt, and I still feel, like my civil rights were TOTALLY......violated.

Not to mention that they said this about me, in front of me and everybody else. I was humiliated.

I felt like guards were going to grab me by the arms and throw me into prison, kicking and screaming. Do with her as you please? What EVER.

So I was walking around picking after that, crying. That's when people were asking me what Utsav had done to make me cry, LOL.

Well not even an hour later, suddenly, I was no longer the printer person.

And that was Utsav's decision.

Gee, let me guess how next week is gonna go. I'm gonna pick and pick and work my butt off, and get sore and tired, and then:

"Yeah, Tonya, I'm sorry but you're just not working out. We need someone who can keep up with the pace of our industry, and you're just not quite cut out to do this sort of job".

And then there we are back to square one, and I have to explain to everybody at church, everybody's parents, everybody's husband, etc, etc, etc, what happened.

Can't I just tell everybody that I keep getting blankety-blank bosses????

That should suffice I would think, don't you?????

Or am I really such a loser that I can't hold down a job? Am I missing something here? Somebody help me out....

......otherwise if I'm fired, I swear to God I will be out there with a sign, I will call the Dispatch, 6 On Your Side, whoever I have to find and I bet eventually I won't be alone.

Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV. >:-8   The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 20, 2007 5:48 am

Well we got fired today.
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Female Number of posts : 804
Age : 46
Location : here I am!
Age : 29 and holding!!
Registration date : 2007-11-13

The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV. >:-8   The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 20, 2007 11:34 am

Sorry you got fired, but it really dosen't seem like such a bad thing. That job sounds like it was harder on you mentally and physically than it was worth. I mean everyone has to deal with bad days and hard parts of their jobs, but if there are more bad days than good and more horrible days than bad days, it's not worth it.
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The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV. >:-8   The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 20, 2007 1:22 pm

Welcome to the fallen America....If you was a gay black muslim illegal alien you would still have a job. I wish you the best of luck my friend
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Female Number of posts : 482
Age : 52
Location : Columbus, OH
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-21

The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV. >:-8   The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2007 5:16 am

Well, well, well. The temp agency is playing good cop bad cop for some reason. I talked to them today when I got my check, and they were somehow shocked that one of their own had fired me, along with the supervisor from TRU.

They asked me did anybody send me to Grove City. I told them no I didn't know what they were talking about. They told me that over at Grove City there is a printing company that can't get anybody to work 2nd shift, and that Tommy and I need to call this lady Friday and that they'll give us a reference.

I just thought it was weird that one lady would talk to me there at TRU in the morning and be all like "We're going to investigate him, this isn't right", and then another lady would fire me that same evening. Now they're saying that wasn't right, and that they want to send us to Grove City to this printing company.

Well they don't realize it but I worked for that same temp agency for that same printing company for like two days back when Tommy was at Outreach, remember that? They lied and lied to me and told me it was 2nd shift when it was really first, lied about the rate of pay, etc, just to get me in there, and I took it because I needed the money.

So once again we're gonna bite, because we need the money.

But I'll be surprised if this one lasts any longer.

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Female Number of posts : 804
Age : 46
Location : here I am!
Age : 29 and holding!!
Registration date : 2007-11-13

The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV. >:-8   The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 25, 2007 1:01 am

Hope this one works out better for ya. I have taken some pretty hellish jobs in the past cuz I needed the money, so I feel ya. I even worked telemarketing more than once!
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The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV. >:-8   The People's Republic of the Great Dictator UTSAV.  >:-8 Icon_minitime

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