Here's how it works:
1. Go to
www.jacobsdream.info or
www.myspace.com/jacobsdream and see if you dig their new album, "Dominion of Darkness" and see if you think it RAWKS. If you do, then:
2. Make us a sign saying something awesome about Generation Actz - our youth and young adults ministry!
3. Take your picture holding your sign in the weirdest, craziest, most off the wall place you can imagine.
4. Post your picture as a comment on our MINISTRY profile at
www.myspace.com/generationactz The owner of most awesome pic that powns all will win a copy of the new Jacobs Dream CD "Dominion of Darkness" (paid for by Tonya)
The CD will be awarded May 31st, 2008. If the winner lives out of the Columbus area, then the CD will be shipped to them. If they live close enough to drive to Columbus and they have a way here, then they will need to come to Generation Actz to claim their prize.
Be blessed and I can't for you to DROP THEM COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!
Tonya Berry "Momma T"