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 did you ever notice

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PostSubject: did you ever notice   did you ever notice Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2008 5:10 pm

have you ever noticed when you try to fogive someone or someoneS for their sins against mankind the more they are stuck in your face......I mean the more I try to forgive the more the sins of these people are stuck right under my nose causing anger and malice.....Satan just friggin sucks folks, he is a buttheaded jerk that really really sucks big time !!!!!
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Female Number of posts : 52
Age : 52
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-04-23

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PostSubject: Re: did you ever notice   did you ever notice Icon_minitimeSun May 18, 2008 12:37 am

yes, I know what you mean. And yes. He is the boil on the butt of humanity. However, what can you do? I feel as though, it's not always the devil. I know, I know...I'll get slammed for this. But when I was having issues with a certain person, it seemed as if everywhere I turned, there they were... Mad Then I realized it was because the forgiveness I thought I gave, was still very much in need of and God was reminding me that it needed to be settled. God. He's funny like that sometimes. However He is the only one laughing! Smile
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Female Number of posts : 804
Age : 46
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Age : 29 and holding!!
Registration date : 2007-11-13

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PostSubject: Re: did you ever notice   did you ever notice Icon_minitimeSun May 18, 2008 3:32 pm

I can just feel sometimes that Satan knows that I'm in a moment of weakness and just hits me with everything he's got. Like right now. And I am trying to be strong but I am just in such a bad mental state right now. I'm like swinging and trying to fend off his blows but I'm just wanting to throw in the towel and let him just pummel me so it'll at least be over. But deep deep inside I know I want to fight still.

OK sorry if that made no sense. It makes sense in my head, just a little vague but I'm sure you understand.
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PostSubject: Re: did you ever notice   did you ever notice Icon_minitime

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