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 update on my grandmother/moving/webspace problem

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Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2007-07-13

update on my grandmother/moving/webspace problem Empty
PostSubject: update on my grandmother/moving/webspace problem   update on my grandmother/moving/webspace problem Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2007 1:36 pm

Well we took my Grandmother to the Hospital on Sunday at the Psych Ward,and she seems to like it there. We are going to try to get her in a nursing home soon. If this happens we cannot afford to live here anymore. It'll be hard giving up a house we;ve lived in for over 20 years but we'll be moving to a town just outside of here. When we do,i'll no longer have Comcast as my ISP. I'll have Charter. unfortuneately,the only disadvantage is they have 20 megs of space and Comcast has 27 so i'm gonna need some space. If anyone knows of a good reliable webspace place that has a lot and it is free,anywhere between 30-100 would be acceptable,could you let me know so i can set up an account with them? it has to have FTP access plus understand a lot of files like mp3's,mid,etc. I appreciate your help on this in advance. Anyway,i hope to talk to you soon,and i'll keep you updated on my Grandma and the moving situation. Take care.

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Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2007-07-13

update on my grandmother/moving/webspace problem Empty
PostSubject: Re: update on my grandmother/moving/webspace problem   update on my grandmother/moving/webspace problem Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2007 10:34 pm

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