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 sybersanctuary e-mail problem?

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2 posters

Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2007-07-13

sybersanctuary e-mail problem? Empty
PostSubject: sybersanctuary e-mail problem?   sybersanctuary e-mail problem? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 15, 2008 4:37 pm

i just realized a few minutes ago that i think it's been over a year since i have gotten mail from this website and i just logged in a few minutes ago and it looks like either A) they are having problems,or B_they have taken down the e-mail. any ideas what is going on? thanks.

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Male Number of posts : 340
Age : 63
Location : Omaha
Registration date : 2007-05-21

sybersanctuary e-mail problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: sybersanctuary e-mail problem?   sybersanctuary e-mail problem? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 15, 2008 4:45 pm

This is all I know, if you have a Sybersanctuary email account, you should have got this email on your "sign-up" email account:

Dear member,
Now is a great time to come check out the email services at again! Your email has undergone quite a change since you last visited, especially a storage upgrade of at least 1 GB!

So come check us out and enjoy all the new benefits!

  • Significant storage increase
  • Web 2.0 email interface - Inbox folders, message filing and preview pane just like Outlook!
  • Personal calendar and address book
  • Anywhere email access with a web-browser
  • Industry-leading spam and virus protection
  • Add-on services including registered email and online storage

To take advantage of all the cool features, make sure you are using the Rich Web Mail interface. From Classic select SWITCH TO RICH WEB MAIL on the lower left-navigation bar.
Login to your account today and check out the new look. Just go to and use your login name: gary
If you don't remember your password, click "Forgot Password" under the Login button.
As always, we are committed to providing you with an excellent email service. Please click on the "Feedback" link and let us know how we can improve your user experience.
We look forward to seeing you there!
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Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2007-07-13

sybersanctuary e-mail problem? Empty
PostSubject: ok   sybersanctuary e-mail problem? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 15, 2008 4:55 pm

no i as not aware of that e-mail. was this sent out after August 2007? if so this is why,because i used comcast up to that point and i'm not on bellsouth so i don't think i ever changed my address. Anyway,do you know how to forward my e-mail address in options of the Rich Web version? i looked in options and did not see that. anyway,thanks.

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sybersanctuary e-mail problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: sybersanctuary e-mail problem?   sybersanctuary e-mail problem? Icon_minitime

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