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 PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back

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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 18, 2008 4:08 am

LOL. tongue

"Gimme that stone you don't know how to use it!" - Lust Control
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 18, 2008 9:15 am

It's not about my problems, or his for that matter, he is a false teacher, his teachings can ruin your life.
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 18, 2008 9:29 am

Tonnenator wrote:
LOL. tongue

"Gimme that stone you don't know how to use it!" - Lust Control

This is the standard rhetorical response from folks who think their favorite teachers should not be judged. We are to judge what they teach, Rod has many dangerous teachings that can and do harm people. His services look much like a performance, as most do who appear on the "Totally Blasphemous Network!" Twisted Evil

Oh, BTW Tonn..........your a name, your a name, your a name! Laughing
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Female Number of posts : 585
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 18, 2008 12:31 pm

Okay, this is NOT going to become a various pastor-bashing thread. Back on topic...

Pastor Bob's blog has asked a question that noone here has answered. Can you answer it honestly? Can you answer it WITHOUT condemning anyone else or their belief system or their pastor? Speak about yourself and your experience.

Why are you a Christian? What is it about Christianity that is attractive to you?

Reread the blog and I challenge each of you to answer the heart of the question.

For me, it made sense in my soul, in my mind, and in my spirit. It answered questions that nothing else could answer. Reading about Jesus, His life, His answers to everyday problems, and especially His way of treating others became the example the life the brought peace and contentment to my soul. His example became my emulations.

To this day, Jesus and His teachings just fit with everything I live and breathe for.
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Female Number of posts : 482
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 3:36 am

I am a Christian because without Jesus I know for a fact that I would be condemned to hell. Apparently as he has come across, the Changeling thinks I'm already on my way there, but praise be to God that I know otherwise in my spirit.

I also pray that the little Catholic girl who is coming to our youth group, never becomes so judgmental or condemning of other denominations. Apparently she has felt the same way before, because when I realized she was Catholic, and asked her, she said, "Is that a problem"? Which made me chuckle. "No, sweety", I replied to her, "Our group is for all denominations, and my husband was raised Catholic. So you're just fine".

From the time he was friends with my brother, when my brother was part of the original 17 in his back yard, I don't feel like anything Rod has ever taught me has ruined my life. I also don't feel like anything I have ever heard him teach could ruin anybody's life. But the same could be said about any denomination, if you look hard enough - yes, even the Catholic church, and yes, the Assemblies of God.

I became a follower of Christ out of desperation, because I had nowhere else to turn. It turned my life upside down and rocked my world, and I have never been the same. And Rod Parsley just happened to be the person offering the alter call when it happened. That doesn't make him perfect, but I am grateful to him for doing his job that day.

Changeling, I honestly have to ask you. How exactly are you showing the love of Christ to me by calling me names?

Aren't you being just like the Pharisees were to Jesus?

Is there anywhere in my Bible or yours, where it says that we should treat each other this way?
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 8:07 am

I think you whine too much, that's all, I never insinuated that I thought you were on your way to Hell!? scratch

The RCC is not a denomination BTW.

People may be "saved" at Benny Hinn crusades, that doesn't justify the load of crap he teaches.
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 8:15 am

Wasn't that a David Bowie song........"my little Catholic girl?"
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Female Number of posts : 585
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 11:52 am

Good grief, Tonya - way to hijack a thread and make it about you and Mark!

And, of course, Mark couldn't resist with his smart little mouth and dove right for it - baited hook, line, and sinker!

Both of you - ENOUGH! Get a room and PM each other, email each other, or how about this - get together and PRAY for each other!

Whatever you choose, keep it OFF the boards from now on. Anything other comments personal to each other will be deleted.
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 1:22 pm

Hold on there Marcia, I spoke my mind, I wasn't baited into anything and I don't believe it was a smart-mouthed response.
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Female Number of posts : 585
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 2:01 pm

Quote :
I spoke my mind

No kidding? Big surprise there...

You fell right into it and continued it just by answering her, Mark. You should have been above it and ignored the bait, or if you couldn't have ignored her, PMed her or a mod privately.

Let it go... can you be the bigger one and end it? If so, then answer the original question of the thread and help get this back on topic. If you can't... well, we'll deal with that answer, too.
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 2:26 pm

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Female Number of posts : 585
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 7:33 pm

The Changeling wrote:

And that's why I love you, Mark... sometimes I do enjoy your sense of humour!

I am serious though about the question - I would LOVE to hear your conversion story... Smile
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 9:21 pm

PeacethroughX wrote:
The Changeling wrote:

I am serious though about the question - I would LOVE to hear your conversion story... Smile

It will be in the book I'm writting; "Diary of a Madman!" Twisted Evil
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Female Number of posts : 482
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 11:09 pm

Marcia I will be the bigger person.

I have something to say, but I will send it to him in a PM, and will send Tink a copy as well.
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Female Number of posts : 585
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2008 8:15 am

Tonnenator wrote:
Marcia I will be the bigger person.

I have something to say, but I will send it to him in a PM, and will send Tink a copy as well.

Thank you - that is appreciated.
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Female Number of posts : 804
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PostSubject: Re: PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back   PB's Blog- Please Stand Still…While I Stab You In The Back - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2008 3:14 pm

The Changeling wrote:
Wasn't that a David Bowie song........"my little Catholic girl?"

you know the whole thing that made me NOT like Avril Lavigne - however you spell her name. was when she said his name like BOW-IE not BO-IE.
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